Stuck On You (2004): Herself Cher: The Farewell Tour (2003) VH1 Divas Las Vegas (2002): Performer Cher: Live in Concert from Las Vegas (1999) VH1 Divas Live 2 (1999): Performer Tea with Mussolini (1999): Elsa Morganthal Strauss-Armistan Sonny & Me: Cher Remembers (1998): Herself Nine [Video Game](1996): Isadora (voice) If These Walls Could Talk (1996): Dr. Beth Thompson, Director Faithful (1996): Margaret Cher: Extravaganza - Live at the Mirage (1992) Cherfitness: Body Confidence (1992) The Player (1992) Cherfitness: A New Attitude (1991) Cher... at the Mirage (1990) Mermaids (1990): Rachel Flax Moonstruck (1987): Loretta Castorini Suspect (1987): Kathleen Riley The Witches of Eastwick(1987): Alexandra Medford Rabbit Ears: The Ugly Duckling (1985): Storyteller Mask (1985): Florence 'Rusty' Denis Silkwood (1983): Dolly Pelliker Come Back to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean (1982): Sissy "The Sonny and Cher Show" (1976): Co-Host "Cher" (1975): Host "The Sonny and Cher Comedy Hour" (1971): Host Sonny & Cher: Nitty Gritty Hour (1970): Host Chastity (1969): Chastity Good Times (1967): Herself Wild on the Beach (1965): Herself
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