Egy nap a Farewell Tour-on (angol)
Egy nap a Farewell Tour-on (angol)
8 a.m. - 13 hours before show time. Wardrobe
supervisor Bonnie Fleslend arrives at arena to repair costumes and wash eight loads of clothes. 1 p.m. - Eight hours to go. Dancers and singers arrive for wardrobe fittings. The first costumes to be worn in the show are laid out in dressing rooms.
4 p.m. - Five hours to go. Choreographers and riggers do aerial checks on the long, dangling fabric ropes from which dancers will twirl. "It's the perfect thing in these huge arenas, to put something up in the air," says aerial choreographer Dreya Webber.
4:45 p.m. - Four hours, 15 minutes to go. The band does its sound check. Dancers make a final check of aerial supports.
5:30 p.m. - Doors open. Three and a half hours to go.
8 p.m. - Cher arrives backstage, heads for her dressing room. "I watch a movie - actually I don't watch it, I listen to it - then I start painting my face," she says.
8:55 p.m. - Stage manager shouts, "Five minutes!" and dancers scurry out of dressing rooms. Cher, the band and dancers all form a circle and hold hands backstage. Cher leads a group prayer, then heads for the airborne chandelier to make her entrance.
9 p.m. - Show time! The huge silk curtain drops and Cher floats in on her chandelier.